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Thermal Comfort:


ASHRAE 55 defines thermal comfort as “that condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment”.

This comfort condition applies to residential apartments and commercial spaces. However, the most critical thermal discomfort happens in industries with high heat loads machinery processes. The combination of this kind of heat load and humidity is a high risk for human health & safety and production efficiency. These heat loads can be exhausted using proper cross-flow ventilation to achieve better thermal comfort.


Zero-Energy Thermal Comfort?


It is so expensive to achieve thermal comfort using air-conditioning or mechanical ventilation systems due to the high energy consumption. Fortunately, nature and physics help us use natural ventilation on the internal heat loads convection. The ambient airflow enters the building through lower positions openings (louvres). Then, it warms up by heat loads with convection heat transfer. The hot air moves up to exit from the upper exhaust (ridge vents or upper louvres).

Natural ventilation is a zero-energy, sustainable solution and a cost-effective method to exhaust the generated heat based on Australian Standards.


How it Works?


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